Photo Sticker Lab - 輕鬆一點就能將照片變藝術品

Photo Sticker Lab (多采多姿)」是 PSDC Creative 公司除了 After Frame 365 外開發的另一款照片拼貼 App,在 iPhone / iPad 上可以即時添加文字和濾鏡,只需短短幾秒鐘,就可以將各種極具創意與巧思的貼紙加入您的照片中,與朋友分享您的心情與想法,輕輕一點就可以把您隨手拍攝的照片變成一張張藝術品。

「Photo Sticker Lab」app is a new way to express yourself. Add real-time text and filters directly to your camera! In only a few seconds you can add captions, quotes, doodles or anything else you can think of to your camera and share quickly and easily with your friends.

點擊下載 Photo Sticker Lab


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