Apple 舉行 Mac 電腦 30 歲生日派對

為了慶祝 Mac 電腦 30 歲生日,美國 Apple 公司今天在加利福尼亞庫比蒂諾I總部,舉行盛大的派對活動。Apple 公司執行長 Tim Cook,和全球行銷高級副總裁 Philip Schiller,也在 Twitter 上分享了活動照片,讓人彷彿回到了 1984 年第一代 Mac 電腦誕生的時候。

In 1984, Apple introduced the world to Macintosh. It was designed to be so easy to use that people could actually use it. and it came with a promise-that the power of technology taken from a few and put in the hands of eveyone,could change the world.

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